Tyrollean Adventure | Texas Glamour-Boudoir-Wedding-Photo

December 19, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

  Tyrollean Adventure    

  Flying from San Antonio to Munich on my most recent return to Central Europe which included Germany, Austria and Italy, I finally experienced the beauty of the Dolomites for myself.  The Dolomites, Dolomiti in Italian, are nearly equally shared between the provinces of BellunoSouth Tyrol and Trentino in Northern Italy.  During this trip, I explored the Tyrollean region of the Dolomiti in and around the town of Cortina D' Ampezzo.

    The first part of my trip started in Germany, where I was stationed and lived for 12 years. After a day of showing a friend the sights in München we took the next 3 days to travel south, visiting well known spots along the way including Salzburg. We drove past Kitzbühel and finally down to Cortina, which is located east of Bozen in Südtirol (South Tyrol), present day Austria.
Austin Glamour Photography. Mountain in South Tyrol, Italy.Dolomite Beauty by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Located 30 minutes west of the town of Cortina Italy is this impressive structure.

  Tyrol's human settlement dates back to 12,000 BC and through the middle ages until the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1805 it looked much like what is seen on this map.

Map of Tyrol

  During "The Great War" World War I, the battle lines ran largely along the border shown above between north and south Tirol. It did move about but remained mostly fixe. The fortifications that were dug into the mountains along with the trails leading to them, are the hiking and climbing routs used by the international hikers that visit today.

  To assist knowing where the trails were then and now, blazes mark of red and white paint are used. They resemble the current flag of Austria and are found on the stone of the rock face and upon an elaborate series of wooden sigh posts showing the trail numbers.        

  Today, the State of North Tyrol (shown in red) makes up the western part of Austria.  Whereas Sudtirol (South Tyrol) and Trentino are now a part of Northern Italy.  Although the culture, architecture and traditional clothing styles are distinctly similar to what many Americans think of when they think of Bavarian, it is now part of Italy and German and Italian is spoken widely throughout the region.     Austin_Boudoir_Photographer, Austin_Glamour_Photographer, Austin_Glamour_Photography, Austin_PhotographerTyrollean Castle by Von Trapp Photography 2013.

The photo above and directly below show the craggy beauty of the Dolomiti (Dolimite) region as we approached Italy from the Austrian side. Mid September 2013.   

Cortina D' Ampezzo, Photo of the Italian Dolomites.Dolomiti Beauty by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Approaching Italy from the north thru Austria one is meet by this impressive vista.

  Atop many of the summits you will find a cross or stone monument, often with a hikers book to be signed. In the photo below you can see remanence from the First World War. 

Landscape photos while hiking in the Italian Dolomites.WWI Frontline-Dolomites by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Mt. Lagazuoi in South Tyrol. Along the WWI frontier between Austria and Italy, this high ground was held by the Austrian Army and commanded the valley below. Evidence of the war is seen here with the tripod made of barbed wire fence pickets and topped with the front half of an artillery shell.

  The following images have been captured on my many return trips there, and are all from the region west of Cortina d' Ampezzo. 

Dolomites-Italy by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Dolomites-Italy by Von Trapp Photography 2013.The last few meters for these hikers up M. Lagazuoi via the SW trail.

Photo of Tofana di Rozes i the Italian Dolomites.Petulant Massive v.1 by Von Trapp Photography 2015From my first visit in 2013 I have hiked here with family and models every year to 2017. The area has truly captured my heart. Tofana di Rozes 3225m, here seen from a distance during our 2015 hiking season.


  Tofana di Rozes 3225 m (10,642ft) (photo above) as seen from a distance during our 2015 hiking season. In 2016, we came back and hiked around its base. Those trails are seen here, leading up from the far right and crossing along the base at the level of the dark stone and just above the light colored material.

  This mountain and the surrounding ones to the left and right were the front lines in WWI between the Austrian forces and the Italian forces who held the ground from where this image was taken. A highway that leads from Cortina (to the right and east) passes in the low ground between this camera position and the foot of Mt. Tofana. Its use was the main object to be denied to the Italians. Although not seen here, there are hundreds of tunnel openings from which direct fire from canon and machine-gun was directed down upon the road.

  They are found in this and all the other mountains along the front, from which fighting positions equipped with machine-guns and small artillery guns controlled the passes. One such road, not seen here, runs along the low ground from right to left in this photo.

  The conditions here for all combatants was extreme, but imagine the effort it took to first scale the mountains, tunnel hundreds of meters down into them and then exist there for years. Also consider that all supplies had to be packed up into the defensive positions by the soldiers and pack animals. Today the trails that were built by the soldiers to fight are now part of a wonderfully marked trail system for hackers and climbers.  

Photo of the Italian Dolomites near Cortina D' Ampezzo.From Hilltop To Hilltop by Von Trapp Photography 2016.Hours earlier we were on the far summit of M. Lagazuoi, having taken the cable car up and down. For this image, we hiked here from the parking lot in the valley below.

  This is Mt. Lagazuoi which dominated over the strategic location of Passo di Falzarego (6,906ft) along the east-west road.

  The town of Cortina is a gem not to be missed. It hosted the the 1956 Winter Olympics, and will do so again in 2026. It is one of two location I have used as a base to hike in the Dolomites. The other being the village at San Pellegrino Pass. These following images are from Cortina.

Cortina D' Ampezzo and Cristallo Mt. 3216 meters.Cortina D' Ampezzo and Cristallo Mt. 3216 m. by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Looking east upon the Tyrolean town of Cortina Italy. Sept 2013

Window box in the Tyrollean town of Cortina Italy photographed by Austin/ San Antonio Glamour photographer Richard von Trapp.European Charm by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Typical Alpin style of geraniums in a window box creating a beautiful seen in the South Tyrollean town of Cortina Italy.

Travel photograph of Cortina, Italy.Street Scene in South Tyrol by Von Trapp Photography 2013.A Street in Cortina d' Amprezzo.

Travel photograph by Austin/Houston/San Antonio Glamour Photographer Richard von Trapp.Shopping in Cortina by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Street scene in downtown Cortina Italy. Travel photograph, street scene in Cortina< Italy at nighttime.A Night on the Town by Von Trapp Photography 2013.Downtown Cortina, Italy.

  Finally, I will conclude this adventure to the Dolomites with images from San Pellegrino Pass, a 1.5 hour drive SW of Cortina. During this trip, which included both Cortina and San Pellegrino.During this trip I created some art nude images along with landscape images. Lets start with some nighttime nudes in Cortina.

Photo of a sexy woman in a corset, thigh high boots, pantyhose and bra: giving a nip slip in public. Cortina, Italy at night.Mistress Simone v.1 by Von Trapp Photography 2016.(From the series: "Come See What I'm Wearing Under My Coat", A Nippily Showing)
Under it all she is wearing a low-cut Agent Provocateur bra that subtly allows her areolas and nipples to make a risqué showing. Nighttime photoshoot in Cortina, Italy.

Model: Simone

Lingerie -Glamour photo of a woman on a balcony in Cortina, Italy,, holding a Venetian stick mask.Venetian Mask v.1a by Von Trapp Photography 2015.(From the series: "Come See What I'm Wearing Under My Coat")

Fashion image taken on a Italian balcony in Cortina which is centered in the Dolomite mountains just northwest of Venice.

Model: Simone

Nighttime lingerie glamour photo of a hot woman flashing outdoors in Cortina, Italy.Night's Lusty-Luring v.1a by Von Trapp Photography 2015.(From the series: "Come See What I'm Wearing Under My Coat")

Adorned in her Agent Provocateur, this vamp is all set to create a commotion. Location shoot in Cortina, Italy.

Model: Simone
Sexy lingerie photo of a woman outdoors at night in Cortina, Italy.Promenade di notte v.2 by Von Trapp Photography 2015.(Title: Nighttime Promenade) (From the series: "Come See What I'm Wearing Under My Coat")
Simone struts her stuff along a walkway in Cortina, Italy.
Model: Simone



Landscape photo of the Italian dolomites.Dolomite Morning v.1a by Von Trapp Photography 2014.A mountain vista captured in the Italian Dolomites. Landscape photo of the Italian Dolomites.Dolomite Beauty by Von Trapp Photography 2016Our view to the west of Fuchiade in the late afternoon.
See a YouTube video of this magnificent area.
Landscape photo Mt. le Saline in the Italian Dolomites.Objective Reached by Von Trapp Photography 2016Looking back one can see the pass we hiked up to just to the left of Mt. le Saline, seen in the center of this image, which was this day's objective. We first passed this point in the village of Fuchiade 9 hours earler on our way up the mountain. Landscape photo of the Italian Dolomites with a female hiker.The Last Hour Ahead by Von Trapp Photography 2016(From the series: Hiking To The Clouds, 9 of 13.) NE of San Pellegrino, Italy. Ahead lies our last hour of travel up to 2600 meters.



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