Budapest Adventure | Fashion shoot in one Europe's most beautiful cities.

June 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

  Enchanting Budapest, Beauty, Grace and Glamour Part 1.

  The first time I traveled to Budapest Hungary was almost 21 years ago as a member of the lead elements of the 1st Armor Division enroute to the war-torn Balkins to implement the Dayton Peace Accords.  That was mid-December of 1995 while on a military train ladened with our gear, vehicles and troops starting a year long mission in Bosnia.  My experience of the city then was only that of a glimpse from the train.  This time I had the memorable chance to experience this lovely and elegant city under very different circumstances.

  Traveling from San Antonio to Budapest via Munich, I arrivied refreshed and ready to start confirming my planned locations with the scouting of what I selected from map and satellite images.  The shoot was planned in great detail over the prior 6 months; now I was finally there and excited to see and shoot in this most enchanting place.

  What a gem of a city!  Budapest has a charm and elegance that is seen everywhere.  The architecture in the city center is superb and the people are lovely.  

  I chose to stay is three different locations, which would allow me to easily access different parts of Buda, and give me two different indoor shoot locations.  The first area was in and around Fisherman's Bastion (Halászbástya), Matthias Church (Mátyás Templom) and Vienna Gate (Bécsi kapu). 

  I met with my first model Adrienn in front of the Burg Hotel, where I was staying, and we strode off to shoot in the streets.

Adrienn Dubay Model/HMU: #2172368  

Lingerie glamour photo taken on a Budapest street of a woman flashing.A Morning Stroll in Budapest by Von Trapp Photography 2016(From the series: "Cum See What I'm Wearing Under My Coat")

Taken in the castle district soon after sunrise of model Adrienn on a cold November morning.

Model: Adrienn Dubay


Lingerie glamour photo shoot in Budapest by San Antonio-Austin Glamour Boudoir Photographer.Let Me Stop You Here v.1b by Von Trapp Photography 2016(From the series: "Cum See What I'm Wearing Under My Coat")

Lingerie glamour shoot shoot in Budapest's Castle District.

Model/HMU: Adrienn Dubay Model Mayhem #2172368


Edgy lingerie glamour image of a woman in public in Budapest.Adrienn Against The Bricks by Von Trapp Photography 2016.We created this image during a sunrise shoot in Budapest at Bécsi kapu. A city gate which is located at the Bécsi kapu square, Buda Castle, in 1st District, Budapest, Hungary. It was the port connecting the Castle with the highway to Vienna.

Model/HMU: Adrienn

  Our hour and a half together now over, I bid Adrienn goodby as she went off to warm up.  It was now time for breakfast and more location scouting.

  Check out this wonderful video on You Tube showing much of the area I worked in around the Fisherman's Bastion (Halászbástya), Matthias Church (Mátyás Templom). 

  Return here to see part two featuring Vivian during our glamour/fashion shooing in the lovely Budapest.


Open your mind and heart, travel and know the joy of becoming a citizen of the world.

One's life can be comprised of many things...perhaps the most important of which is learning and growing.




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