Find Your Glamour | Austin Houston Boudoir Photographer

December 30, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

  Creating Magazine-Style Glamour at the Beach | What it takes to create beautiful glamour images. You deserve more then a "selfie"!

  In a time when the "selfie" is so easy and popular why would anyone ever consider having a professional photographer photograph them?  The ability to capture spontaneous self images has been made possible by the high megapixel cameras found in any current smartphone, and everyone is doing it!  Yes even this dedicated professional!  You get sharp images taken in lowlight that look very good.  Very good on a 3 to 4 inch screen that is!  

  Few people, however, understand that the hype they hear about 18, 20, 40 and more megapixels is only part of the picture.  The sensor in our, now even larger, smart phones is very small compared to that found in a professional full-sized DSLR camera.  A small sensor with a lot of megapixels does not create a highly sharp image when enlarged much beyond the size of the screen it was taken on.  The Digital Single Lens Reflex camera's sensor is many time larger then a smart phone.  As such, a professional grade 18 to 21 megapixel, full-sized DSLR will deliver images of a terrific quality.  But the "selfie culture" that has taken hold likely leads one to question, even if only in the subconscious, why should I pay hundreds of dollars for photographs when I can just…selfie!

Beach Glamour Photo. Location glamour shoot. Sexy swimwear photo. Boudoir-Glamour Photographer.Beach Day by Von Trapp Photography 2014Behind the Scenes of a beach glamour shoot in Port Aransas Texas.
This early morning shoot was created by using two studio strobes and a beauty dish. We were kept on our toes by the weather which created the dramatic sky, but also the necessity to keep the gear protected from the passing showers. This love-hate relationship is one of the reasons I enjoy the challenge of shooting on location.

   On location in Port Aransas Texas.  The passing showers posed a challenge to keeping our gear dry, but also afforded us the fantastic light and background for this beach glamour shoot. 

  The question has merit.  You will easily pay from $500 to $2000 for a high quality glamour or boudoir portrait session and products, and a bit less for a high school senior shoot.  Consider, however, that a professional photographer will have invested many thousands of dollars on cameras, lenses, computers, hardwear, software, lighting equipment and near countless other items that make it possible for them to do what they do best.  Not to mention their education and what they bring in the way of experience and creative talent and vision.  

  Using our smart phone to grab a quick shot of something that we wish to send to family or friends is one thing.  But is it ever anything that is meant to be saved or cherished?  It certainly is never meant to be art! 

Beach glamour photo shoot creating evocatively beautiful, glamorous and sexy photographs. Texas boudoir/glamour/wedding photographer.Darkness and Beauty by Von Trapp Photography 2014We took advantage of a rainy day forecast to create this glamorous image while on location along the Texas Gulf coast. Keeping an eye on our tablet's live radar image to help determine breaks in the showers, we timed our setup of equipment. With towels at the ready to cover lighting gear, we intrepidly left the shelter of our vehicles to setup and captured this beach glamour image as the ran started to fall. Images of this artistic quality require planning, artistic talent, experience and the right equipment. But also hard work, and in the case of this location shoot, the right timing and some luck. When you choose to create art with you as the subject, be prepared for the challenge that all models face... discomfort. The general rule of thumb is if it feels uncomfortable…it will likely look great. The converse is even more true.

  Moody and evocative.  The styling of this glamour image encourages the viewer to feel the sensations of this moment.  Well crafted glamour photographs have beauty, grace, mystery and are transcendent of the everyday.

  Sadly every day so many women will selfie and unthinkingly accept a third rate image of themselves.  They will be "happy" with what they have and go on with life…likely never to know the feeling of what it is like to be glamorously photographed.  It is true that we "don't know what we don't know", so she continues to exist in blissful ignorance, totally missing out on the life-changing experience of connecting to her glamour and beauty.  A professionally photographed glamour or boudoir portrait session will change the way you feel and see yourself.  It can change your life. 

  Stop missing out on the truly incredible experience of taking part in a model shoot.  Even more significant is being treated to the elation of seeing yourself as you have never seen yourself before.  A superbly planned, expertly crafted glamour or boudoir photograph of yourself will impress, amaze and touch you in ways that you never imagined.

  See yourself in a way that is so removed from the daily you by being a glamorous work of art, having been connected to your glamour.        

                                                   Glamour/Boudoir Photography, Austin//Houston//San Antonio Glamour-Boudoir Photographer.Texas Boudoir and Glamour Photographer<span class="large">Von Trapp Photography is a couture photo-artisty service creating evocative fashion magazine inspired beauty and glamour images.</span>


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