Glamour-Mystery-Grace on Stage | Texas Glamour-Boudoir-Wedding-Photo

February 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

  Mystery and GraceIt's the key to glamour photography.

  The glamour of this photo is expressed by the beauty and grace of the dancers and expression of the bartender.  The viewer's eyes are drawn to the face of the bartender, who is looking past the obvious beauty and sexiness of the women and couple.  One is left to ponder what is so captivating as to steal his interest in such a way.  Could it be the sight of a gorgeous stranger who just entered the joint by way of the metal staircase; or perhaps it is a lover known to him, and once realized, provides a flood of memories to return.    

  The glamour is further expressed in the story, still unknown, of the three women as well as the couple who are in a close embrace of a Latin dance.  The darkened and gritty styling of the photo greatly adds to the mood, helping to create the glamour.        

Texas glamour elegant couture beautiful evocative sexy photo Mystery and Glamour by Von Trapp Photography. #Austin #San Antonio #Houston #Dallas #Boudoir #GlamourThe glamour of a cabaret expressed by the mystery and grace of the expression on the bartender's face and lines of the dancers.

  Richard von Trapp is a Texas glamour photographer who travels the world capturing its glamour.  # Austin-San Antonio-Houston-Dallas Glamour Photography.


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Boudoir and Glamour Photography in San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Dallas.
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