Desert Glamour | Texas Glamour-Boudoir-Wedding-Photo

May 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

  Desert BeautyCreating Glamour in the Las Vegas Desert

  In March of 2014, I traveled from Texas to Las Vegas to attend a photography conference. Like many other photographers I planned to use some of my time there to schedule some location shoots. One such shoot was in the mountains above Nellis Air Force Base.

  This image below was created using two 1000w Profoto D1 strobes powered by a BatPac battery. My main light was fitted with a collapsible Chimera beauty dish and positioned to camera left and above the model's head. The second strobe is placed behind the rock at knee level to provide an accent light (rim light). To capture the city lights in the far distance, I used a shutter speed of ½ second, with an aperture setting of f8. Additionally, I balanced the power setting of the strobes to achieve the desired exposure of the model and rock.

  The rim light was absolutely necessary to provide a visual separation of her body and hair from the nighttime darkness. It created some specular highlights on her killer come-fuck-me-stilettoes and right calf, along with giving a highlight to the front of her left thigh and breast, and her marvelous bum.   

Fashion-Glamour photo of a leggy and busty woman in tight clothing and CFM pumps, posed iin the desert and nighttime.Desert Booty v.2c by Von Trapp Photography 2014.Hottie Simone kicks up a stilettoed heel and arches her back to create a yummy profile for us in the Las Vegas desert.

Model/HMU: Simone



  For me, glamour photography is about creating images that have beauty, grace, mystery and transcendence from the everyday. Such images are set apart from most photographs created or captured by photographers shooting today. Their work can be very beautify, however, making an image that has true glamour is more difficult. Especially if they are shooting only with natural light, since they have no ability to control it no "shape it".

  We at Von Trapp Photography want every woman to be connected to their glamour and beauty.  

Contact us today and let us do just that.  





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