Glamour In Venice Part 2 | Fashion Photo Shoot on Location

January 07, 2016  •  1 Comment

  San Antonio fashion-glamour photographer on location in Italy. Part 2

  A location shoot can be both exciting and worrisome for a photographer, especially when the location is seven time zones away from home.  Alot of money and people's time are riding on getting the images, and despite all the extensive prior planning and detailed preparation, it can be very hard to shake the worry that you missed something.  

  As I wrote in my previous blog about this shoot, Living and Shooting in Splendor...the amount of time spent on preparation for the shoot was the key and we created excellent work.  Working with a quality group of people will always help make a project more successful and enjoyable.  Here is a look at some of the image captures we were able to create.

Austin glamour photographer travels to Venice to shoot fashion.On the Balcony by Von Trapp Photography 2015On the Balcony in Venice. Fashion image taken on the balcony of the Ca Zen Plazzo in Venice Italy.

  Taken on the bedroom balcony.

  We arrived at this location by water taxi the evening prior, being dropped off at our door on the canal seen here.  Anyone who has visited Venice knows how everything moves around the city by boat or by foot.  Choosing to ride in style right to our door was both a glamorous introduction to the city's lights and so much easier considering all of the equipment and wardrobe we had with us.

Sexy Venice Fashion Shoot, Austin PhotographerUntitled by Von Trapp Photography 2015Venice Fashion Glamour Shoot. The alleyways around the Palazzo Ca Zen in Northern Venice acted as a set-location for Von Trapp Photography's fashion shoot with Nicole.

The alleyways became our set locations.

Austin Boudoir, Glamour and Fashion Photographer on location in Venice Italy.Nicole Venice Fashion Shoot by Von Trapp Photography.Shot on a canal bridge in Venice Italy.

Striking a pose on a canal bridge.

Sexy Fashion photo shoot in Venice Italy. Photograph of a beautiful woman on a Venice bridge.In Stride by Von Trapp Photography 2015On a Bridge in Venice. Fashion image created in Venice Italy. Von Trapp Photography traveled from San Antonio to Venice for a fashion shoot with model Nicole.

Nicole in a sexy fashion pose.

Fashion photograph taken in Italy by Austin-San Antonio Boudoir, Glamour, Fashion photographer Von Trapp Photography.Evening sun by Von Trapp Photography 2015The setting sun created a lovely light for this fashion photograph in Venice Italy. Evening approaches as Nicole poses on the bedroom balcony.

  Please have a look at part #1 about the planning and preparation for this shoot and the start of shooting on the first day, and more images in part 3.  


She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies...
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Boudoir and Glamour Photography in San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Dallas.
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